Thursday, August 31, 2006

What's your favourite beauty spot?
Added: Thursday, 31 August, 2006, 05:51 GMT
Druridge Bay, with its miles of golden sand, and a wildlife sanctuary adjacent, is a beautiful spot. It’s a pity that Government has earmarked it as a potential site for their nuclear waste disposal plan. Similarly, the Farne Islands, an unspoilt bird colony, have been earmarked as potential site for storage of toxic nuclear waste. We defeated the Thatcher government's plans to build a nuclear plant at Druridge Bay, and if New Labour chooses to besmirch our coast we will resist them too.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can UN force keep the peace in the Mid-East?
Added: Wednesday, 30 August, 2006, 07:50 GMT
I am quite sure that all the arab nations do in fact recognise Israel. They have seen it before, when the 'Children of Israel' parted the sea and enslaved the children of Canaan, then when the crusaders massacred the residents of Jerusalem, and surely when the Germans launched their blitzkreig on the people of Poland and beyond. I think it is the Israelis who do not recognise the true nature of their encampment. They should hang their heads, and ask for peace and forgiveness from the arabs.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Are you affected by the UK security alerts?
Added: Thursday, 10 August, 2006, 17:52 GMT
"I cannot believe some of the comments on here saying that it's a conspiracy by a corrupt government to take our minds away from Lebanon or to make us more fearful so we give up civil liberties. They must be the same people who say that Bush planned 9/11 and 7/7 was an inside job." Karen Giles, Melksham, United Kingdom
Yes we are. And if you looked into it instead of swallowing the cover story you would see the same things that make intelligent people like us feel very afraid.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Do rules of war mean anything?
Added: Monday, 7 August, 2006, 16:57 GMT
"You're in your 2-man position for the night. Just after midnight, you start taking fire from your front." David Zimlin, Dunedin, Florida, United States

Hey Dave is the '2-man position' in your country or the other guy's country? How would you fight invaders? How did the poor Native Americans deal with invasion? And what kind of position were you two guys in actually?
Can UN resolution end crisis in Middle East?
Added: Monday, 7 August, 2006, 08:48 GMT
"Israel is already doing what is needed in order to disarm the terrorists. Why should we bring in outsiders to do the job that is obviously Israels responsibility?" Pat, Pennsylvania

Israel is not just removing arms, but heads and legs too. And not just on terrorists (if at all) but on non-combatant men, women and children. By using words such as 'Job' and 'Responsibility' you are giving respectability to acts of barbarous cruelty and inhuman violence. BLITZKREIG is a better word.
Can UN resolution end crisis in Middle East?
Added: Monday, 7 August, 2006, 08:33 GMT
"Many have been critical of Isreal's behavior in the past, but this was all wrong." allan, larkspur, usa

Oh Gee, so we were all wrong? Wow, Allen thanks for pointing out our error, we will all agree with you now. America is always right isn't it? Okay, so there WERE WMDs in Iraq, Iraq IS a democracy now, Viet Nam was NOT able to beat USA, Global warming is NOT a threat to us all, The Kyoto Treaty is NOT vital to our survival, and apparently US troops do NOT kill or rape civilians either.
Can UN resolution end crisis in Middle East?
Added: Monday, 7 August, 2006, 08:13 GMT
"The quicker these maniacs are destroyed the quicker peace will come to lebanon." Dene-Paul Elliott, Johannesburg South Africa

Oh yes, destroy Hezbollah, destroy the response, not the problem. Didn't you lot say that about the ANC once.Luckily there's a world outside your borders, which can see through your fascist nonsense, which freed your country from you, and can still free Lebanon from the IDF. And maybe free the rest of the world from the Americans.