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Added: Thursday, 10 August, 2006, 17:52 GMT
"I cannot believe some of the comments on here saying that it's a conspiracy by a corrupt government to take our minds away from Lebanon or to make us more fearful so we give up civil liberties. They must be the same people who say that Bush planned 9/11 and 7/7 was an inside job." Karen Giles, Melksham, United Kingdom
Added: Thursday, 10 August, 2006, 17:52 GMT
"I cannot believe some of the comments on here saying that it's a conspiracy by a corrupt government to take our minds away from Lebanon or to make us more fearful so we give up civil liberties. They must be the same people who say that Bush planned 9/11 and 7/7 was an inside job." Karen Giles, Melksham, United Kingdom
Yes we are. And if you looked into it instead of swallowing the cover story you would see the same things that make intelligent people like us feel very afraid.