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Has Iraq war fuelled terrorism?Added: Wednesday, 27 September, 2006, 19:53 GMT
"God-fearing Muslims, ones with a world view, don't become terrorists because of images on TV or disagreements with foreign policy." Casper They may be 'images on TV' to you, but to the person whose child, parent, wife or husband has been killed by US munitions, they are something more, and a good reason to fight back with every weapon available, just like the Viet Cong did. It's not 'foreign policy' to them - it's invasion. I march for peace, and pray for peace but believe me, if US troops killed my little child I would be coming back at those troops. Don't blame religion, thats a cop out. Its about the OIL, STUPID!
Leaked Afghan e-mail: Your responseAdded: Saturday, 23 September, 2006, 23:16 GMTPeople keep asking what UK forces are doing in Afghanistan. Its time for a straight answer from the government. If those troops are sitting in holes and not moving it seems they are guarding something. An oil pipeline seems to be a likely site to guard. It's naive to think that we are there to rebuild villages, roads or briges whilst sat in holes. From the huge increase in opium production, we aren't there to burn crops either. Lets have a statement from John Reid about this at once.
How should the world react to Musharraf claims?Added: Saturday, 23 September, 2006, 19:16 GMT"Who really cares it's just jibe. Anyhow, how can you threaten such nonsence, when that country already exists in the stone age." Sally, Leeds Is that how you see other countries? If Pakistan is 'Stone Age' why did America sell them nuclear weapons? Do you see all Muslims the same way? No wonder there is racial and religious tension. I am british and white, but I can see the wrongness in American and British 'Foreign Policy' or World Domination Blitzkreig as it should be called.
Leaked Afghan e-mail: Your responseAdded: Friday, 22 September, 2006, 22:05 GMT"They should have the best protection that modern technology can provide! What is wrong here? Please protect our boys and girls in service!" Jeanne Gershon, Somewhere In, France "Leakers should be prosecuted for treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy and so on." Stan Expat If you don't want to live here, don't tell us what to do. It's not your taxes being squandered on this military adventure.
Were the Pope's remarks 'anti-Islamic'?
Added: Saturday, 16 September, 2006, 06:50 GMT
Maybe if the leaders of the Muslim community had donated as much Gold to the Vatican as the Nazi Party did during the forties, then the Pope may have been nicer about Islam. How could we expect the Pope to show any tolerance for something that he cannot profit from. It would break all the traditions of the Catholic Church. It was only when the gold started drying up that the Vatican belatedly bestowed human rights upon the inhabitants of the 'New World'.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan? Added: Thursday, 14 September, 2006, 19:44 GMT
"I am in the military and I have requested to go to Afghanistan twice and both times turned down. I was very surprised, they need bodies." jason, virginia beach, va No, Jason, they don't need any more bodies, the Taliban will convert as many as they need from the forces sent out there to secure the pipelines. In Catch 22, anyone claiming madness to avoid combat is ruled to be sane. Conversely anyone begging to be martyred in Afghanistan should be judged as mentally unfit for combat.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?
Added: Sunday, 10 September, 2006, 08:34 GMT"For years, Afghanistan knew it was harboring a terrorist organization that declared war on the US (Al Qaeda), yet it did nothing – it even helped defend it." Jay Wade, Houston, United States For years the US and Uk trained that terrorist organisation, armed it, paid it and then set it loose on the world. I believe the chickens have come home to roost now. I say impose sanctions on the US until they stop causing wars to profit their big corporations.
Your questions on radicalisationAdded: Monday, 4 September, 2006, 17:53 GMTDoes anyone seriously think that this situation is anything other than the West invading the Middle East for its oil. The Iraq wars were all about oil-fields and the Afghan war is all about the pipelines from Kazakhstan etc. Stick pins in the map of Afghanistan where British servicemen have died and I bet the pins hit a pipeline or the site of a pipeline yet to be built. The US Government is led by the oil industry, and we are led by the Americans. They don't mind our troops and civilians dying so they can continue getting cheap fuel. For them to blame "hatred of Democracy" is infantile and stupid. It is a natural resistance to foreign invaders which is causing the global armed response.