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Mid-East: Is the international reaction enough?
Added: Sunday, 30 July, 2006, 07:43 GMTHow do we report the war crimes? Do we all just trot down to our police station and report a crime? We need to do something more than just complain. For a start, email your MP or elected representative, then email your head of state. Report the war crimes to them. Ask for a REPLY, AND AN ASSURANCE THAT THEY WILL TAKE YOUR COMPLAINT SERIOUSLY. Its not much but its a start. If you want peace get off your backside and work for it.
Mid-East: Is the international reaction enough?
Added: Saturday, 29 July, 2006, 15:29 GMT
"The Palestinians commit suicide bombings and then cry when they get punished for their murders. No sympathy here." Anon Can 'Anon' explain how abusing the Palestinians will 'punish' the suicide bombers? He's lost me there. No wonder he's Anon he's probably forgotten his own name.
Mid-East: Is the international reaction enough?Added: Saturday, 29 July, 2006, 14:52 GMT
Barbara, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL wrote:"The people on this board who speak against Israel are clearly anti-Semitic."yes Barbara I think perhaps we are now. We didn't used to be, when we were younger. But at age 47 I weary of the "Poor us, poor Israel, look how they attack us for nothing!" cry as you bomb unarmed arabs to steal more land, as you have done for all of my lifetime. Maybe you ought to invest in some Karma before it's too late, or is that concept not in your book? I fear not.
Mid-East: Is the international reaction enough?
Added: Saturday, 29 July, 2006, 14:38 GMT"Theres been war/conflict in the middle east for over 2000 years if there not have a go at each other its been civil war will never end !" B Brown, Bristol The Romans were there 2000 years ago, (european invaders)then the Crusaders (european invaders), the British, the French, the Germans, The Americans and then finally the European-born Israelis.............Guess why there's been 2000 years of fighting in the middle east. Why not pick up a history book before commenting?
The Middle East: Is international action required?Added: Friday, 28 July, 2006, 17:46 GMT
"Since Hezbollah started the shelling, the CIVILIZED world can sit back and enjoy watching Israel stand up for itself, and kick Hezbollah in the butt. I mean, who wants a Hezbollah victory here? All they'd do then is to pick their next victim. These are people who don't respect tolerance, and don't care who they kill" Brian Bartz, Houston, TX So you are enjoying this,'Civilised' Brian? I reckon after Israel backs down Hezbollah won't have a 'next victim' until someone else invades Lebanon.
The Middle East: Is international action required?Added: Friday, 28 July, 2006, 06:12 GMT
When Palestine voted, it was apparently the wrong type of Democracy. When Hezbolla captured Israeli Soldiers in Lebanon, they were accused of terrorism. Its okay for America to support Israel, but it's apparently evil for anyone to support Israel's victims. And now we hear that its okay to bring bombs through a civil airport, despite the risk to our civilians. Is this War on Terror really a war against the rest of the world, to secure America's energy future? War Of Terror, more like.
The Middle East: Is international action required?Added: Thursday, 27 July, 2006, 18:24 GMT
The Americans are flying bombs, no doubt full of depleted uranium, via Airstrip One. They don't need to tell us about it, just like the rendition flights. It's because they have owned us since World War 2, when Churchill obviously sold us for the weapons to fight Hitler. It's not as if the Americans would give us those weapons for free. We don't even have control of the nukes they 'sold' to us since. If Israel is taking free weapons from the US, they will soon be owned by the US like we are.
What is the impact of Middle East violence?
Added: Saturday, 22 July, 2006, 09:42 GMT
"Do we talk of the poor innocent germans bombed by us because of the Nazi Resistance Movement bravely fighting the foriegn occupation by the worlds evil superpowers?" Zane, Glasgow Not quite, but most historians would admit that the bombing of Dresden, a city filled with refugee german women and kids, was the most serious war crime carried out by the allies in Europe. It's sad that you can justify this murder. Have you lost that human quality?
What is the impact of Middle East violence?
Added: Friday, 21 July, 2006, 18:05 GMT
"It takes true courage to wage peace, and not one leader in all of mid-east, the western world, the UN or anywhere else has that courage. How about you?" jared weinstein, United States Not since George Bush or Tony Blair has there been a leader with such courage for bombing women and kids. It is nothing to be so proud about, this 'Waging Peace' as you put it. Some would say it is really war, carried out against civilians. You call it peace so you can sleep at night. It's really murder.
When will diplomacy take over?
Added: Thursday, 20 July, 2006, 08:16 GMT
"If the so-called civilians had evicted the armed terrorists themselves this would never have happened. They deserve to lose some more of their teritory to make Israel safe." [michellegrand], Alton, United Kingdom
Ok Michelle, how do they do that. Civilians don't have much luck evicting armed killers in my view.. Hey maybe, just maybe this is part of the War on Terror, ie, its the start of the war against Iran and Syria? Think about how that will end. There will be tears, mark my words.
Menezes decision: Your reaction
Added: Tuesday, 18 July, 2006, 08:27 GMT"Is it really fair to bring criminal charges against those that are following orders? Or those who give the orders with faulty intelligence? I don't envy those who had to make these choices." Ally C I don't envy them either because if there is a God then these monsters will burn in Hell. Dodgy Dossiers, Shoot to Kill orders, and all the other pro-war spin is responsible for this situation. The Nuremberg Trials ruled that following evil orders is a crime. And rightly so!
Israel in Lebanon - where will it end?
Added: Monday, 17 July, 2006, 16:44 GMT
Yes Sam, we sell arms to countries for defense, not terrorist groups whose sole purpose is the destruction of another country. Ed Vance, Savannah, GA Ahem,USA+ IRA, Contras, Bay of Pigs, Bin Laden, Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, Suharto, Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier, Somalia, Panama, Libya, Grenada, Greece, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Viet Nam, Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Italy, Indonesia, Brazil, Guyana, Iraq, Soviet Union, all make good googling, or read 'Rogue State'.
Israel in Lebanon - where will it end?
Added: Saturday, 15 July, 2006, 22:29 GMT
"Hopefully Israel will wipe the terrorists and their sponsoring nations of the face of the map once and for all. All power to Israel." Paul Ostermeyer, Milton Keynes Well Paul, there's your contribution to world peace is it? If that is all you can add to this why not log off and go find some small animals to torture. You know you want to. Leave the Have Your Say business to the proper humans please.
Israel in Lebanon - where will it end?
Added: Saturday, 15 July, 2006, 12:48 GMT
"Ah. That UN Resolution 242. It only requires Israel to give back "territories," and not ALL of the territories (by the way, it has actually given back 93%)." Martin1983, London, United Kingdom So the other 7% is what? Theft? You can't say Israel has complied with the resolution can you? No wonder most of the civilised world condemns them now for their cruelty and greed. Why can't they give up the stolen land for the sake of peace?
Israel in Lebanon - where will it end?
Added: Saturday, 15 July, 2006, 10:45 GMT
The Lebanese so called 'civilian' casualties are mostly Hezbollah people - no wonder the Lebanese won't release information about them - ask Lebanon how many of them were fighting! leeor, bombarded Haifa So all the children, including babies of ten months, actually don't count in your figures do they? Or are you saying little babies are firing missiles at you. Have you got children of your own which are not being attacked by jets and warships? Lucky you! You condone atrocities, Leeor.
Are the extradition laws fair?Added: Saturday, 15 July, 2006, 07:11 GMT"A frenzy of misunderstanding and distortion" Baroness Scotland"When they kick at your front door How you gonna come With your hands on your head....?"Joe Strummer"Then they came for the Bankers and I did not speak out because I was not a Banker." apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller
Are the extradition laws fair?
Added: Thursday, 13 July, 2006, 22:51 GMT
"Does any one besides me see the irony in this situation ?We have all of these posters who I assume for the most part are working or middle class, defending these rich individuals ?This is truly ironic." Dennis C, New Jersey
irony n. , pl. -nies . The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
When we say that the treaty is unfair, we do not mean the opposite. When we say that, rich or poor, these men do not deserve to be taken off on a rendition trip to Texas for an undisclosed period, we mean exactly that. "Don't Step On Me" either!
How should Israel respond?Added: Thursday, 13 July, 2006, 22:37 GMT
"Israel has the right to defend its self, and the EU should stay out of the way." W., houston
YAY! Defend yourself against the little children, Israel. And as for the EU 'staying out of the way', you sound like the school bully's friend, covering his mates back while he pounds on the little kids. Sanctions against Israel are a necessity now to stop this happening. What does the "W" stand for?
Is your child's potential being met at school?
Added: Wednesday, 12 July, 2006, 19:46 GMT
Now that poor old Two Jags is on the slides the New Labour aversion to Grammar Schools seems to have evaporated. I pray the Government never notice me or my little girl. We can do without their help. Can you imagine being picked out as an example of New Labour educational excellence? That would be the end of any normal life. They will take credit for the bright kids successes and blame the parents of the rest for any 'failings'. When Blair is in prison I may vote Labour again.
Are the extradition laws fair?
Added: Wednesday, 12 July, 2006, 18:01 GMT
I reckon Tony Blair had no choice about obeying the Americans, and neither did any British leader since World War 2. Each new Prime Minister is told the facts of life by his permanent secretary, that is the awful truth about the Special Relationship. I reckon when Churchill needed the Americans he promised our rights away. Search the net for any info about the 'UKUSA agreement' or similar treaties. Nearly every aspect of our life seems to have been set up to the benefit of the USA. The extradition treaty is a prime example, but is just one more unfair treaty. Its time to tear up any treaties and start again with a level playing field. Lets have Independence from the USA, and soon.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?
Added: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006, 12:20 GMT
"Yes Frank. This is a war for oil pipelines. No, wait, for Israel. No, wait, for Halliburton. Either that or the fact that the Taliban harbored a man whose organization attacked american targets for years eventually leading to the death of 3000 New Yorkers." Ken S, NYC A man trained, financed and armed by the CIA, along with the Taliban, to clear the Russians out of Afghanistan. A family friend of the Bush family. Say his name, it's Osama Bin Laden. What did the CIA think he'd do?
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?Added: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006, 08:15 GMTAmerica armed Iraq under Saddam Hussain, to fight Iran, which had revolted against the Shah, who was armed and supported by America. When they fell out Saddam became public enemy number one. Ditto, Osama Bin Laden, a family friend of the Bush family, trained by the CIA to defeat Russia, succeeeded, then was dumped and betrayed by America.Britain is armed and supported by America. Once the oil in the MidEast is gone and our soldiers are not needed, America will probably do the same to us.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?
Added: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006, 07:04 GMT
"The morl;a is with friends like who needs enenmies?" Julie P, Marietta, United States I think this means that you are morally confused, Julie, as well as educationally challenged. Which friends do you mean? The taliban which you armed and trained? Saddam Hussain who you supported and armed? The British Forces being squandered in your War Of Greed? Or the IRA which was armed by the US? You don't have friends, you have customers or rivals. Oh yes, and victims.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?Added: Monday, 10 July, 2006, 20:35 GMT
"Send all of the wining, winging lefties instead – they are on the side of the Taleban and the terrorists anyway" .[TheRightView] When you say "wining, winging lefties" I think of John Prescott immediately. Oh did you mean 'whining, whinging'?? By this you mean the anti-war lobby which has been proved consistently right in our assessment of this as a phony war, in a series of phony wars, designed to control the population and steal all the oil. Send yourself, bully-boy.
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?
Added: Monday, 10 July, 2006, 19:39 GMT
The Taliban are a fascist group that harbored terrorist and abused women, and are currently attempting to topple a democratically elected Government. If you are not willing to fight for this cause what will you be willing to fight for?Douglas Roman, Philadelphia, United States Douglas, the US armed and trained them to kick the Russians out, which they did. Then you turned on them, and now they want your blood. I don't blame 'em. However, this war is really about oil pipelines, isn't it?
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?Added: Monday, 10 July, 2006, 19:09 GMT
"So lets see less drivel on this site about how the majority of British people overwhelmingly and pasionately oppose the war."tom harwick, emmaus, pa usa There's Tom, an american poster on a british site, telling a british poster what the reality of Uk politics is. Tom, the biggest march ever in UK history was organised to oppose your War of Greed. I'd love to meet you to debate pacifism with you man to man. you'd find out all about overwhelming opposition then no doubt.
Is Israeli action in Gaza justified?Added: Monday, 10 July, 2006, 18:52 GMT"ISRAEL'S borders were given by GOD in the HOLY BIBLE which still to this day is the most accurate news source for past events and events happening now and in the future." Deborah Runkle, Las Vegas, Nevada Well it probably is if you only have Fox News as an alternative. If you know your bible, two key phrases are "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL" and "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" This is where I see Israel has completely lost the plot, thinking we will believe that God is okay with their evil and greed.
What effect will N Korea missile tests have?Added: Sunday, 9 July, 2006, 15:50 GMT
"Hello? Sanity, it's Earth calling." Tom Penn, Knoxville Tom, you're not the Earth. You're not even a big part of it. You're using it up the most, eating the most, killing the most and polluting the most but thats all. Nothing good. We used to like you, but you've changed. You got meaner and now you're a bully. How we wish you would go home and stop beating up the kids in the yard. You wouldn't know SANITY if you even saw it on TV.
Is Israeli action in Gaza justified?Added: Sunday, 9 July, 2006, 15:32 GMT
"Has anyone noticed how all the pro-Palestiian commets seem to come from people in Arab countries such as Yemen, countries which in the past have declared war on Israel purely because they don't like Israel." UNSIGNEDI come from Northumbria, I am not arabic, I just hate Nazis. I have opposed them all my adult life and it sickens me to see the Israelis become the monster they were fleeing from. SOMEBODY, or rather EVERYBODY - SAVE PALESTINE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL MURDERED.
How can the Muslim community be engaged?
Added: Wednesday, 5 July, 2006, 15:36 GMT
When we marched against the war in Iraq, there were christians, pagans and muslims marching together. It turns out that we were correct in all of our arguments ie no WMD, no 45 mins etc, but the war still went ahead. Nowadays you'd think that only the muslims are offended by the so-called War on Terror. Well, with all due respect I feel just as offended as anybody else at our government's support of the Bush Junta. We urgently need a regime change here in Airstrip One.
What effect will N Korea missile tests have?Added: Wednesday, 5 July, 2006, 15:18 GMT
"While North Korea's people starve to death as the result of a bad rice crop, its government continues to pour money into its aggressive military missile programme."Aaron Parkinson, Blackburn, Lancashire Two Words - New Orleans!
What effect will N Korea missile tests have?
Added: Wednesday, 5 July, 2006, 14:52 GMT
"The question that you need to ask yourself is why would anyone wish to bomb Alaska?" tim, Herne Bay No need to bomb it with the oil companies doing their best to wreck the place. And anyway - one Intercontinental missile takes off, a stream of small missiles follow it, and boom, it falls into the sea. Failed missile test or Strategic Defense Initiative which actually does work?
Should more troops be sent to Afghanistan?Added: Monday, 3 July, 2006, 20:55 GMTI have an old picture on my noticeboard of the mujahideen sitting on a dead russian tank, grinning wickedly. These were the people the americans armed against the russians. Now our army is fighting them for the americans. The difference is we probably won't be allowed to see the dead tanks this time. The mujahideen won't care. We shouldn't be there.
Should terror suspects be held longer?
Added: Monday, 3 July, 2006, 15:47 GMT
Don't worry about being compensated for false arrest and missing 90 days off work, they are busy phasing out compensation in case the claims bankrupt them. Why not start building privatised Gulags like the old folks homes that mushroomed in recent years. There must be money to be made in this or they wouldn't be bothering. Bring back Uncle Joe Stalin at least you knew where you were with him.
Should terror suspects be held longer?Added: Monday, 3 July, 2006, 15:27 GMT
"They should be held indefinately and a news blackout imposed so we don't have to put up with their bleating relatives and sundry bleeding-heart human rights lawyers" Paul, London, UK Well done Paul, for resurrecting the Nazi practise known as 'Nacht und Nebel', or Night and Fog. Imagine your loved ones missing and no one tells you anything. You didn't give your last name, it's not Pinochet by any chance is it?
How should prisons deal with racism?Added: Saturday, 1 July, 2006, 09:55 GMT"I watched an ‘undercover’ TV documentary a while ago filmed inside a prison (I think it was Feltham) where the wardens admitted to playing ‘coliseum’ (gladiator) with prisoners." Jay Furneaux, United Kingdom I remember this, how come the authorities never watch these programs. I think it's fairly obvious that the warders were enjoying, possibly betting on these confrontations. Incompetence is the stock explanation for police wrongdoing, in my experience.