Thursday, June 29, 2006

What are your views on the Israeli action in Gaza?
Added: Thursday, 29 June, 2006, 06:50 GMT
"Thank goodness the Palestinians don't have the same weapons as Israel. I'm convinced they wouldn't be as restrained as the IDF."Helen, Maale Adumim, Israel

It's nothing to do with goodness, you can thank the Americans. How is the behaviour of the Israelis restrained? They have now illegally arrested Palestinian politicians. Helen your people are becoming the Nazis that you abhore. Do something.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What are your views on the Israeli action in Gaza
Added: Wednesday, 28 June, 2006, 06:41 GMT
If any other country behaved like this, the world would surely object to it. How does Israel get away with it? Yes I know the Israelis suffered under the Nazis, but they can't use this as a justification for their cruelty today. They seem to have adopted the Nazis' tactics. By oppressing the Palestinians, they have lost all moral high ground and have become the Nazis themselves. Shame on them. Release the women and children at once please.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Send your footie questions to the Prime Minister
Added: Monday, 19 June, 2006, 18:58 GMT
I remember watching Jackie Milburn from my private box in the Leazes end, as Byron and Shelley brawled with Napoleon and his guards on the concrete steps, while queuing for pies. And another thing Tony, you weren't there.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I found this picture whilst looking for a pic to add to the previous post. This must be the best picture of all taken during the Miner's Strike. And with the benefit of Hindsight, we can now establish that out of the two 'policemen' at the front of the picture, neither one is a real copper. The one on the left has no numbers on his uniform, indicating either MI5 or more likely forces, possibly a paratrooper. Using troops against citizens eh, naughty Maggie.

Send us your ideas for the new Tory logo
Added: Sunday, 18 June, 2006, 06:58 GMT
"A compass to represent progress in the right direction, a cog to represent support to industry, and a heart to represent compassion." atomjohn LEE, derby, United Kingdom

Er, where does the Miner's Strike fit in that picture?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Should airports be used to transport terror suspects?
Added: Tuesday, 13 June, 2006, 07:01 GMT
"mealy-mouthed hordes of politically correct sheep who are fed a diet of anti-American claptrap." John Acts

I'm criticising the US, John, and I am not mealy mouthed, or politically correct. I'll call a redneck a redneck. I am not fed a diet of news such as your 'Fox News' but glean my news from a variety of sources such as the BBC and ITN. All the news shows your country is becoming a leading fascist state, run by religious extremists.
Torture is the New American Way, buddy.
Should Sir Ian Blair take the blame?
Added: Tuesday, 13 June, 2006, 24:58 GMT
"He is trying to keep the country terror free, and is doing a fantastic job at it. The whole force is only doing their job in trying to protect the Great British people."
Paul Croft, Wakefield

He is filling parts of the country with terror, by shooting the Lesser British Public with impunity.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Should Sir Ian Blair take the blame?
Added: Monday, 12 June, 2006, 19:35 GMT
"Go back where you came from if you don't like it here. If you choose to stay then learn to speak English, get a job and buy a house." Sheik Yerbouti

I was born here, I live here,I work here, as a miner then a teacher, and I own a house here. I speak english and I have opposed fascists all my adult life. Just because we oppose police brutality during this so-called war on terror, doesn't mean we are all muslims, or foreign. I bet we are all anti-nazi though!
Guantanamo suicides: Your comments
Added: Monday, 12 June, 2006, 18:23 GMT
"Those of you crying foul over Guantanamo and these three that committed suicide are of the same mentality that existed in Europe in the 1930's, the reason Europe was pounded by bombs in WW11, millions died in Nazi concentrations camps and Hitler’s boot was all over Europe."
Paul, USA

You're the ones with the bombers, the stormtroopers and the concentration camps, Paul. Why not throw me in prison for saying this? That's the next step.
Release of terror raid pair: Your views
Added: Monday, 12 June, 2006, 07:36 GMT
"The Police ( or should I say the tax payer ) will most likly pay out a stupid amount in an out of court deal." AASA asaAA

These men were snatched with violence from their home, one was shot, they were slandered and illegally imprisoned, and you think that they should bear the financial cost themselves? Shame on you. You know you are wrong , thats why you hide your identity.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Release of terror raid pair: Your views
Added: Saturday, 10 June, 2006, 09:25 GMT
"if people do not want to be protected then they always have the choice to return to their own country. we want this country to be free of threats of any kind...." keith davies, southend-on-sea.

I would love to return to my own country. Thats the one where the police are there to HELP us, we are innocent until PROVEN guilty, and the only place people get shot is on TV. As a British citizen I am outraged by the Americanisation of policing. Can't you see what a threat that is Keith?
Release of East London two: Your views
Added: Saturday, 10 June, 2006, 07:59 GMT
"What is the logic behind people who just want to get in the way and hamper police efforts to protect us from the kind of scum that wants to indiscriminantly murder civilians going about there daily business." Craig, Cambridge

Sorry, which set of 'scum that wants to indiscriminantly murder civilians going about there daily business' are you complaining about?
Release of East London two: Your views
Added: Saturday, 10 June, 2006, 07:50 GMT
So the Americans were facing tough questions over their apparent ethnic cleansing of Iraqi civilians, and their rendition flights while Blair was trying to square things with the Pope. Luckily the police managed to raid an evil chemical weapons plot in London to remind all the peaceniks what this war is about. Coincidence? And then we heard that one of the brothers possibly 'wrestled a police firearm from an officer and shot his brother'!! Oh right.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Here's what I said then.......
Friday, 2 June, 2006, 18:28 GMT
"If you draw a line on the map from the oil fields of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the east, to the Mediterranean Sea, you will see why Iran is soon to be strategically important. And if I were Syrian I'd be looking a bit nervous now."

Lo and behold, in London, later that week...........

"The Times June 05, 2006
Exiles plot to overthrow Syria's Baathist regime
By Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor

LEADING Syrian opposition figures, led by the country’s former Vice-President, gathered in London yesterday for a two-day conference to plot the overthrow of the Baathist regime of President Assad.
The unprecedented gathering,
which the Foreign and Commonwealth Office insisted was not co-ordinated with any British officials, was led by Abdel Halim Khaddam, who predicted that Syria’s increasingly dictatorial leadership would one day soon be toppled by a popular revolt."

Spooky ain't it..............

Sunday, June 04, 2006

How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 18:34 GMT
Sickened by US forces casually murdering pretty much whoever they want because they are so heavily armed and military superior they get away with it. Am BOYCOTTING all American made goods from now on.
Richard Kingsley, London

Count me in. Let the economic sanctions begin.
Will talks help end
Iran nuclear crisis?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 15:34 GMT
"We don't allow children or unstable adults to buy a shot gun so why would we willingly allow an unstable, fundamentalist nation to obtain nuclear weapons."John, France

Because they invented nuclear weapons just ahead of the Nazis, in the days before Hiroshima became a household name. And they've been threatening people with them ever since.
Will talks help end Iran nuclear crisis?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 15:20 GMT
"The greatest threat now is the danger of Iran lashing out with global terror strikes as their weapons development plans are revealed..."
Mark, AZ, USA

So now you can carpet bomb Iran's civilians with an easy heart. I admire many Americans: Frank Zappa, Hunter Thompson and John Steinbeck among them. I know that many of you are normal kind people horrified by the direction your country is going in. And I empathise because the UK is following you down the same dark road to hell.
How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 11:16 GMT
"I think we need to exhume the Haditha bodies and make sure they are, in fact, victims of this crime." Andrea, New York
Can we see the steel work from 9/11 to check the ends of the girders for demolition charges? Oh no I forgot you instantly shipped it off for recycling before the 'inquiry' could begin. How about the steelwork from the pentagon or the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City?
An independent inquiry would expose all of these shams.
Should US ban same-sex marriage?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 08:21 GMT
"Yes I strongly support President George W. Bush against the marriage os simmilar sex.The president is perfectly rite to declear that the marriage is between a man and a women." Maria, Irving
Who said ignorance and intolerance go hand in hand? More school and less church might help this poor unfortunate.
Should US ban same-sex marriage?
Added: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 08:10 GMT
Never mind same-sex marriage, I would be happy to see Bush ban procreation in the US until the americans learn how to elect someone who isn't a terrorist. Gay love is wrong but killing two year old babies in occupied Iraq is acceptable? Sick and Sicker.
(attempted start of new string, BBC, HYS, 4.6.06)
So the Americans are facing tough questions over their apparent ethnic cleansing of Iraqi civilians, while Blair is trying to square things with the Pope. Luckily the police manage to raid an evil chemical weapons plot in London to remind all the peaceniks what this war is about. Coincidence? And now we hear that one of the brothers possibly 'wrestled a police firearm from an officer and shot his brother'!! Oh right. Is it just me or does anyone else smell a rat?

Friday, June 02, 2006

How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Friday, 2 June, 2006,
"Every day the morgue in Baghdad gets 50 bodies and yet I've never heard of anyone being arrested or investigated for any of these murders."lisa, toronto, canada

The killers are too busy doing the killing to investigate them. Over 40 killings a day are attributed to police commando death squads, search for "Crying Wolf Who is Behind the Death Squads in Iraq" on Google.
Will talks help end Iran nuclear crisis?
Added: Friday, 2 June, 2006, 18:28 GMT

If you draw a line on the map from the oil fields of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the east, to the Mediterranean Sea, you will see why Iran is soon to be strategically important. And if I were Syrian I'd be looking a bit nervous now.And that’s not to mention the imminent collapse of the Petrodollar scheme, a blatant piracy carried out by the 'Superpower'.
We should boycott American goods just like the South African goods during apartheid.
Will talks help end Iran Nuclear Crisis?
Added: Friday, 2 June, 2006, 24:13 GMT
"I am getting fed-up with this administrations retoric "to underscore our commitment to a diplomatic solution and to enhance the prospects for success".Do they think everyone in this country has a third grade education?”
Kevin greatlakes, United States
I didn’t realise your schools went past the second grade….. Judging from most of the american posts, education must not be compulsory in the US. Your rulers prefer ignorance because it lets them fool you most of the time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Will talks help end Iran nuclear crisis?
Added: Thursday, 1 June, 2006, 23:47 GMT
After reading about Haditha and now Ishaqi, the Iranians will be liable to resist any invasion most forcefully. Bearing in mind events in Iraq, they will have no problems entangling the US forces. All these rabid Americans arguing about the rights of their marines to kill babies make me feel ill. From the halls of Montezuma to the ignominy of Iraq.
If you weren't so evil you'd be funny.
How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Thursday, 1 June, 2006, 20:36 GMT
" Sit back and enjoy the dividends of pax americana, without paying of course."
error pining, Windermere, United States

Well done Error, what is a pax americana? From 1945 to the end of the century, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements struggling against intolerable regimes. Some pax.

Read the book, Rogue State. And well done to your parents for naming you so well.
How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Thursday, 1 June, 2006, 18:58 GMT
"If this disgusting crime happened in the United States, the murderers would be executed with the enthusiastic support of America's conservatives. Why is it different when the victims are Iraqi and the killers are wearing uniforms?"
Shawn Hunt, Washington, DC, United States
Er, did you hear about the raid at Waco? 74 men, women and children died — including twelve children younger than five years of age. How many US government gunmen were jailed for their part in that massacre?
How damaging is Iraq deaths inquiry?
Added: Thursday, 1 June, 2006, 18:41 GMT

"If the individuals actually commited murder, than they will be found guilty and will be punished to the fullest extent of the Uniform Code of Military Justice."Steve, USA

After 500 civilians were massacred in similar circumstances in Mi Lai, William Calley was sentenced to LIFE for murder, on March 31, 1971. He was freed on April 7, 1971, under 'house arrest', and 'paroled' on November 9, 1974. He lived happily ever after, working as a jeweller.

Is this the JUSTICE you mean, Steve?